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The 2017 presidential election in France was rocked at the last minute by a massive hacking attack on Emmanuel Macron's campaign. No surprise, perhaps, given what happened in the US before the...

This interview discusses the impact that Russia may have had in the 2016 US and 2017 French general elections, and how weaponized narratives may have played a part.

While the Weaponized Narrative Initiative does not advocate for any faith or creed, we welcome groups recognizing the immorality of fake news. Fake news, as a tactic within weaponized narratives,...

Bots, Echo Chambers, and Disinformation

Debunks some of the ideas that we sort of take as axiomatic. Important report. -- JK

Time Magazine

Very detailed account of the ongoing Russian efforts to undermine US democracy, ostensibly being done in retribution for the alleged actions of the US (specifically Sec State Clinton) in...


Syria Civil Defence is a volunteer corps of 3,300 first responders, fighting a losing battle in a devastated nation. You’ve likely seen its members—known as White Helmets—in photos on social media...


The justification is twofold: 1) There's a great deal of talk about Russia, and we don't want to overlook China, and 2) This is a good example of how a weaponized narrative can fit into a larger...

Center for Naval Analysis (CNA)

The Western typology of conflict can create problems with understanding. Conflict is much more holistic and the reductionist constructs of Western thinking leave us confused or poorly oriented. (...

Journal of Cyber Security and Information Systems Volume: 2 Number: 2 - Games People Play Behavior and Security

Advances in behavioral economics makes it possible to operationalize basic theory regarding human cognitive systems to support tactical and strategic offensives. Cyber technologies are a logical...

Strategy Bridge

Weaponized narrative is more effective when employed against targets with weakened mental defenses. Chaos weakens the mental defenses. Chaos can mean warfare, but it could also mean a swirling...

#Gailforce at Lima Charlie News

Not only does this article document the activities of the Russian government's interference in the 2016 US presidential election, it highlights the disconnect between the severity of the threat as...

The Fears of a Strongman

Weaponized narrative is used to strike at the source of power of an adversary. Russia targets democracies by undermining sense of national identity and creating chaos where there needs to be some...

Deutsche Welle

There is a tendency for American audiences to frame international trends only in domestic terms. This article is useful in that it indicates that fake news is having deleterious effects on the...

Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda

Documents an operational attempt by the US military to weaponize narrative. -- jk

Plenty of pretty convincing evidence yet no apparent action being taken as a result of the most significant cyber attack in history. Why? --- JK

Emerging research suggests that believing in one conspiracy theory is a risk factor for believing in another. Individuals drawn to these sites out of a concern with the safety of vaccines, for...

A new study finds political polarization is increasing most among those who use the internet least

When it comes to delivery of weaponized narrative, Extensive National Bureau of Economic Research research says that while the polarization in America is certainly dramatic, it is not all about...


The research shows the nature of what's different in today's information environment. It explains why regimes cannot rely on simply denying entry of journalists into areas in which war crimes were...

Fifth Domain - Cyber

This piece is an excellent layperson’s introduction to the history and importance of narrative in modern conflict. A link to the republished piece in Small Wars Journal is included because the...

Threatcasting Report: Army Cyber Institute

The U.S. military is facing an ever more unpredictable and uncertain future, and trying to develop as much understanding of what that may mean as possible. This report, done by an ex-Intel...
