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Information Operations Countermeasures to Anti-Access/Area Denial



China’s objective with its anti-access, area denial strategy to push the US out to what it terms the “first island chain” (Japan down through the Philippines) immediately, and to push the U.S. out to what it terms the “second island chain” (extends out to Guam) between 2020 and 2050 according to Chinese flag office Liu Huaqing's 1980s plan.[1] The U.S. response to this strategy—a whole of government response with synchronized information operations—requires U.S. Pacific allies to deem U.S. security objectives legitimate and support these objectives. China’s Three Warfares strategy attempts to undercut both of these.[2]

Why is this important?

The justification is twofold: 1) There's a great deal of talk about Russia, and we don't want to overlook China, and 2) This is a good example of how a weaponized narrative can fit into a larger strategy, even to the point of being a major component of a traditional kinetic military operation -- JH


Brian D. Wieck

Publication Date

May 11, 2017