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The existential threat from cyber-enabled information warfare


"Corruption of the information ecosystem is not just a multiplier of two long-acknowledged existential threats to the future of humanity – climate change and nuclear weapons. Cyber-enabled information warfare has also become an existential threat in its own right, its increased use posing the possibility of a global information dystopia, in which the pillars of modern democratic self-government – logic, truth, and reality – are shattered, and anti-Enlightenment values undermine civilization as we know it around the world."

Why is this important?

"Our work is cut out for us. If we fail, the world is at increasing risk of large-scale and long-term societal fracture, the end of the Enlightenment, and the start of an informational Dark Age."


Herbert Lin
Image Credit: Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Publication Date

August 19, 2019